Finding your Vocation is very powerful, but finding the Meaning that defines how much you matter can act as a catalyst. Mixing the two results in an explosive cocktail of happiness!
Category: Articles
8 Reasons Why My Hiring Process is a Success
I have had enough interviews in my career to be disgusted with the hiring process of most companies. And instead of complaining, I decided to create an example. I have been working on it for a year. I’m almost there. Here are the 8 reasons why my hiring process is a success.
Society 5.0: Accessibility as the Focus of the Design Industry
As we enter the era of Society 5.0, The systems, tools, and services we design need to be more accessible than ever before.
The Culture of Fear
“Do you have a minute?”, the most terrifying question that can be asked by a boss or HR. It’s the culture of fear. How can we get rid of this destructive anti-pattern?
How to find time for Meaning
In our busy lives, how can we find time to apply our Purpose and search for our Meaning?
How to turn Purpose and Meaning into Happiness
The quest for happiness is a big business. How does one leverage Purpose and Meaning in order to become a better version of themselves?
When Fear of Success and Fear of Failure Meet
Fears of success and failure prevent people from taking risks or stretching out of their comfort zone. Beth Tarbell suggests a way out of this morass.
Living With An Impostor Syndrome
The impostor syndrome is not a myth. It’s is there to stay, and all have it. How to make sure to live well and even prosper with our feeling of imposture?
Why Is Changing a Company So Difficult?
As Society 5.0 is on the horizon, organizations will have to face Change. A lot of companies will fail their changes in a way that will cost them far more than just money.”
One’s Vocation Has No Age
Not everyone finds their vocation at a young age. Here are examples of people who found their vocation at all kind of ages.